Extended Hours

Extended hours telephone appointments

  • Monday – Friday Mornings 7.00am-8.00am (usually – will depend on leave)
  • Monday Evening appointments at Practice 5pm-6.30pm (again, can depend on leave)

Non-urgent advice:

Please ask at reception for more details


GP Hub Appointments

South Cheshire and Vale Royal GPs are now offering extended hours appointments at selected practices which will be known as GP Hubs.

These appointments are available to any registered patients from any practice within the boundaries of South Cheshire and Vale Royal.

Please ask your practice receptionist who can book you an appointment.

To find out more please click the link below:

Additional Roles (PCN) Hub Appointments

Northwich Primary Care Network has appointments for home visits, and acute clinics run by PCN Paramedics. We also have Occupational Therapy appointments. The teams are trained to offer these appointments when possible and suitable for the patient.

Northwich Primary Care Network

As you may be aware the NHS England (who commission our practices services) have set out a requirement that practices work together to ensure that patients are able to access services outside our normal hours of work (8.00am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday) between all practices.

Northwich PCN (Primary Care Network) covers the following practices:

  • Danebridge Medical Centre
  • Firdale Medical Centre
  • Middlewich Road Surgery
  • Oakwood Medical Centre
  • Weaverham Medical Centre
  • Witton Street Surgery
  • Watling Street Medical Practice

Northwich PCN has from a local practice-based Hub on Friday and Saturday.

As always, the availability of appointments will be dependent on our capacity, however, please ask the practice receptionist if you would ideally like an appointment outside the normal core hours. It is important to stress that the number of appointments offered outside the normal hours will only be a small proportion of our total appointments, as it is important that we do not undermine our normal level of service particularly given the current high levels of demand and our workforce challenges.

Non-urgent advice:

As we have stated we are sure that the time our practices provide services (outside of core hours) reflects the preferences of our patients, but we would be pleased to hear your views so that we can continue to evaluate the best times to offer services.