Women’s Health

Contraception: Pill Checks, Depo Injections & Coil / Implant fittings

Menopause discussions and medications

Non-urgent advice: Contraception – Appointments

Patients who want to start or change their contraception need a discussion with a GP. These can be future-dated and booked online for extended access appointments.

Non-urgent advice: Contraception Pill reviews

Patients who are on the contraceptive pill need a review with the Practice Nurse at least annually, and when starting on a new medication this could be sooner.

Please ensure you book these with enough time to avoid running out of medication.

Non-urgent advice: Contraceptive Injections (depo)

Patients who have the contraceptive injection need to book an appointment with the Practice Nurse. Please ensure these are booked in advance as they are time-limited and need to be done within a 5 day window. Nurse appointments can be booked up to 3 weeks in advance.

Non-urgent advice: Contraceptive Coil and Implant fittings

If you would like to consider a contraceptive coil please contact the Practice to book a discussion appointment with Dr Harding or Dr Strefford. They will discuss the options with you and if appropriate, book you into one of their coil clinics.

If patients are coming up to the date when the contraceptive coil needs changing then the reception team can send a note to the GPs to ask to book in to the clinics; the GPs will then contact you directly with an appointment time.

Please note, if you are considering changing your contraception when you are coming up to change your coil you will need an appointment to discuss the options with the GP.

Coil removals with no need for further contraception can be done by the Practice Nurse; please ensure you state this when booking or your appointment may be cancelled.

Non-urgent advice: Contraceptive Implant Fittings & Removals

If you would like to consider a contraceptive implant please contact the Practice to book a discussion with Dr Harding. Dr Harding will discuss the options with you and if appropriate, book you into one of her clinic slots or a clinic slot with the Practice Nurse, Roisin.

Implant fittings can also be done in the PCN Extended Access Nurse Hub if appropriate.

If patients are coming up to the date when the contraceptive implant needs changing then the reception team can send a note to the Dr Harding to ask to book in to the clinics; Dr Harding will then contact you directly with an appointment time.

Please note, if you are considering changing your contraception when you are coming up to changing your implant you will need an appointment to discuss the options with the GP.

Non-urgent advice: Menopause – discussion

If you would like to discuss any symptoms or issues associated with menopause please contact the Practice to book an appointment with a GP.

There are local services available to support you (see below) and it is an area that is in development locally between Practices.




Non-urgent advice: Menopause – Medication and Reviews

If you are started on medication by the GP to manage menopause symptoms and experience side effects or issues you can discuss your medication with the Practice Pharmacist.

You will need a review of your medication a month after starting the medication and then every 6 months.

The Practice has a text message survey/questionnaire that you will automatically be sent to allow the GP to consider any next steps – please do look out for this and contact us if you have not received it.

Please be aware that we are seeing shortages of HRT nationally and local chemists may struggle to get hold of prescribed medications. If this happens to you, please ask the pharmacy what they are able to get hold of, as it can change between pharmacies, and let us know. This avoids the GP issuing another prescription for something out of stock and stops you having to make multiple requests or trips.